For the final step, export the client certificate and import that into the server keystore, by first running ( entered as a single line) 对于最后一步,导出客户机证书并将其导入到服务器serverkeystore,输入以下命令(以单行形式输入)
Use the ldapmodify command to export the schema to the LDAP master/ replica server. 使用ldapmodify命令将该模式导出到LDAP主/备份服务器。
You can modify the resources for an export via the IBM WebSphere Application Server admin console. 您可以通过IBMWebsphereApplicationServer管理控制台修改导出的资源。
For example, to export Server Profiles, select the Export icon from the toolbar in the Server Profile Manager view. 例如,在ServerProfileManager视图中,选择工具栏上的Export图标导出服务器概要文件。
You can use the relationship manager to create, delete, import, and export relationship instance data on the Process Server runtime. 您可以在ProcessServer运行时,使用关系管理器创建、删除、导入和导出关系实例数据。
You can export business models to WebSphere Process Server and other IBM runtime environments. 可以将业务模型导出到WebSphereProcessServer和其他IBM运行时环境。
The export file has two dates versus one in the SOAP server. 导出文件中有两个日期,而SOAP服务器中只有一个。
The Metabroker status window provides you with the options to export the entire Glossary Model into the Metadata Server, or you can filter what you want to export. Metabrokerstatus窗口将为您提供将整个术语表模型导出到元数据服务器中的选项,也可以筛选需要导出的内容。
In order to generate an LDM-equivalent IDA Glossary model, you are actually "pretending" to export an LDM file to the Metadata Server. 为了生成与LDM相等的IDAGlossary模型,您实际上是“假装”将LDM文件输出到MetadataServer。
When the implementation is complete, you can make it deployable as a web service by generating a web service binding on the export and deploying the module to a process server. 完成实现后,您可让它成为一个可部署的Web服务,方法是在导出上生成Web服务绑定,并将该模块部署到流程服务器。
Export a Glossary Model to the Metadata Server: Export metadata from a glossary model to the metadata repository, where the metadata appears as categories and terms. ExportaGlossaryModeltotheMetadataServer:将元数据从术语表模型导出到元数据库中,元数据在其中显示为类别和术语。
Export a Physical Model to the Metadata Server: Export metadata from a physical model to the metadata repository, where the metadata can be used by tools that interact with the repository. ExportaPhysicalModeltotheMetadataServer:将元数据从物理模型导出到元数据库中,与库进行交互的工具可以使用其中的元数据。
When satisfied with the classification quality of the trained KB, you need to export the KB to the ICM server. 如果对训练后的知识库的分类质量满意了,就需要将知识库导出到ICM服务器。
Export the directory from NFS server that can be accessed by Kerberos authenticated users or applications only. 从NFS服务器(只有经过Kerberos身份验证的用户或者应用程序才能够访问)中导出目录。
The following steps export the Kerberos realm to the LDAP server 下面的步骤将Kerberos域导出到LDAP服务器
To migrate data directly to Rational Quality Manager, select export to Quality Manager server on the migration window, enter all the information required and click finish. 为了将数据直接迁移到RationalQualityManager,在迁移窗口中选择导出至QualityManager服务器,输入所需的所有信息并点击完成。
Tip: To export metadata to a directory on the server, just set the < jarFileRequest> element value to false in your export command xml. 提示:要将元数据导出到服务器上的目录,只需将到处命令XML中的元素值设置为false。
Import an LTPA exported key ( you can export the LTPA key using a WebSphere Application Server security management panel). 导入一个LTPA导出的密钥(可以使用WebSphereApplicationServer安全管理面板导出LTPA密钥)。
This feature enables the enterprise to export an industry data model to the metadata server. 企业使用此功能可以将行业数据模型导出到元数据服务器中。
Provide logon information for both the export and import server. 为导出和导入服务器提供登录信息。
This wizard will help you to export client or server applications. 此向导将帮助您导出客户端或服务器应用程序。
The password export server is not functioning correctly. 密码导出服务器运行不正常。
Unable to establish a session with the password export server. 无法与密码导出服务器建立会话。
Failed to export files to file server. 文件输出到文件服务器失败。
You can use the web part to view, navigate, print, and export reports on a report server that is configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode. 您可以使用web部件查看、导航、打印或导出配置为在sharepoint集成模式下运行的报表服务器上的报表。
The source password export server and the target server do not have the same encryption key for the source domain. 源密码导出服务器和目标服务器在源域上使用的加密密钥不一样。
This paper introduces how to make use of application to classify user data and export it with the help of SQL Server 2000 data export wizard and FTP. 一种以SqlServer2000数据导出向导及FTP为工具,利用应用程序进行用户数据分类与导出的方法。
Research on Data Import/ Export Technology from Excel to SQL Server Excel到SqlServer数据库的数据导入导出技术研究
The key problem is the shortage of resources, great demand of export and server smuggle. 其存在的主要问题是资源紧张、出口需求大和走私严重。
Data Import& Export with SQL Server 利用SqlServer实现数据导入和导出